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Bentomania Honten

Capture d’écran 2021-07-26 à 19.28.11.png
Bentomania :
A kitchen  of the season
A friendly place
An Izakaya universe  

Our Bentomania concept inspires the ambiance and cuisine of the Izakaya Tokyoites.

Izakaya ( érif ) has no real equivalence in the Western world. From a mix between a pub, a restaurant and a bar, its atmosphere is at the same time relaxed, traditional and convivial. The  Izakaya is just as culinary a place as  cultural , holding a special place in the life of the Japanese  .


With a continuous service , we offer you typical dishes from  Izakaya , cooked with fresh produce.  Our place thus respects these spirits of authenticity and quality , carried by tradition.  Japanese culinary.


A cosmopolitan universe where the  simplicity  of things is in contrast to the  sophistication  of his kitchen. Perfection is not that you have nothing more to add to it, it is when you have nothing more to take away from it.  


Also, spaces  inspired by  Washitsu  (和 室)  traditional Japanese are available and can be privatized on request.

Opening time:





Mon-Sat :       12:00 - 21:00

Sun: 12:00 - 18:00 (reduced card)

Our addresses:



17 rue Dr Bouchut - 69003 LYON

Phone: +33 4 78 79 30 15

(We no longer take reservations)


Bentomania © 2018 by GNTI SAS 842 396 673 RCS LYON

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